Fr. Adam Voisin's Stuff

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Call to Action to Protect Conscience Rights

The federal government passed Bill C-14 on June 17, 2016. This legalized physician-assisted suicide across Canada. The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario has enacted a policy that requires physicians to provide an effective referral for euthanasia. Forcing healthcare providers to violate their conscience rights is a direct attack against their constitutional right to freedom of conscience and religion, both of which are guaranteed under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Section 2). The bishops of Ontario are urging us to take action. To do so, head on over HERE. You simply fill in a form with your address, and it generates a letter that you can submit to your MPP to express your concerns and to respectfully demand that the government of Ontario enact legislation to protect physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and all health care providers from being needlessly required to participate in euthanasia. I’ve done it, and it only takes about 3 or 4 minutes. I am encouraging you to do it as well.

This is scary stuff. If physicians can be forced to violate their own conscience and religious freedom, what makes you think it couldn't happen in other fields, or to you?

To get more information, click HERE.

To write the email to your MPP, click HERE.

Conscience and Why it Matters in the Question of Assisted Suicide: Reflections by the Catholic Organization for Life and Family.

Memo sent to all Ontario Bishops by Deacon Larry Worthen on the issue. If you're on Facebook, you can watch him HERE.