I Heard Him Talk about it in a Homily... May 10, 2013 Pope Francis' thoughts on the Ascension of Jesus Christ (click here).
Homily for the Fifth Sunday of Easter April 28, 2013 Based on the first reading (Acts 14:21-27) and the Gospel (Jn 13:31-35). "Glory is only obtained through sacrifice".
Talk on Marriage Given at St. Ann's, Ancaster on April 18, 2013 April 19, 2013 Marriage is a vocation, that is, a specific path to holiness and union with God. Holiness is a path of love, and to love means to sacrifice. And through the path of sacrifice, love and holiness, our lives actually become better.
I heard him talk about it at a talk on marriage... April 18, 2013 Interior Freedom by Jacques Phillippe
Homily for the Third Sunday of Easter April 14, 2013 Homily given at St. Ann's in Ancaster on the Third Sunday of Easter. John 21:1-14
I Heard Him Talk about it at The Source... March 27, 2013 Catechism of the Catholic Church (online version) Catechism of the Catholic Church (amazon.ca link) Prayer Primer, by Fr. Thomas Dubay (amazon.ca link) Fire Within, by Fr. Thomas Dubay (amazon.ca link) Difficulties in Mental Prayer, by Fr. Eugene Boylan (amazon.ca link) Difficulties in Mental Prayer, by Fr. Eugene Boylan (Google Books link) A School of Prayer: The Saints Show Us How to Pray, by Pope Benedict XVI (amazon.ca link)
I Heard Him Talk about it in a Bulletin Announcement... March 10, 2013 Defund Abortion Rally At Ontario's Legislature - Tuesday, March 19
Talks Given During the Parish Mission at St. Mary's March 5, 2013 Talk 1 - Interior Freedom (Sunday evening Vespers) Right-click here to download the talk Talk 2 - Primacy of Grace and Prayer (Monday evening Mass) Right-click here to download the talk Talk 3 - How to Profit from Your Faults (Tuesday evening Confession Service) Right-click here to download the talk
St. Mary's Parish Mission March 2, 2013 Sunday Mass Porta Fidei, by Pope Benedict XVI Catechism of the Catholic Church (online version) Catechism of the Catholic Church (amazon.ca link) Story of a Soul. Autobiography of St. Thérèse of Lisieux (amazon.ca link) Story of a Soul. Autobiography of St. Thérèse of Lisieux (online version) Sunday Vespers Interior Freedom, by Jacques Philippe (amazon.ca link) God and the World, by Pope Benedict XVI (amazon.ca link) Monday Mass Novo Millennio Ineunte, by Pope John Paul II Prayer Primer, by Fr. Thomas Dubay (amazon.ca link) Fire Within, by Fr. Thomas Dubay (amazon.ca link) Difficulties in Mental Prayer, by Fr. Eugene Boylan (amazon.ca link) Difficulties in Mental Prayer, by Fr. Eugene Boylan (Google Books link) A School of Prayer: The Saints Show Us How to Pray, by Pope Benedict XVI (amazon.ca link) Tuesday Reconciliation Service How to Profit from Your Faults, by Joseph Tissot (publisher link) 20 Tips for Making a Good Confession Examination of Conscience for Adults Examination of Conscience for Youth and Young Adults (good for adults too!) (links to a pdf) * Feel free to print out these examinations of conscience and bring them with you to confession
I Heard about it at an RCIA Session... January 9, 2013 Peter Klein, The Catholic Source Book (amazon.ca link)
I Heard Him Talk about it in a Homily... December 30, 2012 Blessed John Paul II's letter to families, Familiaris Consortio
I Heard Him Talk about it in a Homily... December 15, 2012 Great books on the teachings on prayer by Sts. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross: "Prayer Primer" by Fr. Thomas Dubay (amazon.ca link) "Fire Within" by Fr. Thomas Dubay (amazon.ca link)
I heard it at the Lessons and Carols... December 2, 2012 Cardinal Nguyen Van Thuan, Prayers of Hope (amazon.ca link) Cardinal Nguyen Van Thuan (Wikipedia page)
I Saw it in the Bulletin... November 10, 2012 General Instruction of the Roman Missal (link to open the pdf version of the document) Vatican II Document on the Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium
I Heard Him Talk about it in a Homily... October 20, 2012 Blessed John Paul II, Novo Millennio Ineunte Saint Kateri Tekakwitha biography Vatican readying for Mohawk Saint Kateri Tekakwitha (CBC article)
Book Recommendations October 15, 2012 "Prayer Primer: Igniting a Fire Within" by Fr. Thomas Dubay (Amazon link) "Fire Within" by Fr. Thomas Dubay (Amazon link) "Difficulties in Mental Prayer" by Fr. Eugene Boylan (Amazon link) (Google Books link)