Homilies and Stuff

Mark Your Calendars for the Defending the Faith Conference Next Year

I and about 25 parishioners had an awesome experience last weekend at the Defending the Faith Conference at the Franciscan University of Steubenville. We are going again next year. Mark your calendars. The dates will be Friday, July 26 to Sunday, July 28, 2019. When attending the conference, you can stay in the university dorm rooms, or, at the Super 8 hotel across the street. If you plan on coming and want to stay in the hotel (a tiny bit more expensive, but more comfortable), then I would recommend booking as early as possible to ensure you get a room.

Homily for the Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Where are you? Are you like our first parents, making excuses and blaming and deciding for yourself what is good and evil? Or like Mary and Jesus, the new Eve and Adam, who take responsibility and trust in God no matter what?

Homily for the Third Sunday in Easter

Does your heart burn when you read the Scriptures? Do you see Jesus in the breaking of the bread? Do you know the power of His mercy and forgiveness from the sacrament of confession?

You are a witness of these things.

Oh ya, and by the way, ghosts don't eat fish.