Homilies and Stuff

Homily for the Third Sunday in Advent (Gaudete Sunday)

Find your own way to rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS!

HERE'S my homily from Gaudete Sunday last year. Go back and listen to the story of St. Marguerite d'Youville.

Oh ya, and we had an awesome Bambinelli Sunday. Here’s a picture from the 9:00am Mass.


And HERE is the pray you can pray with your family when you open the gift of the baby Jesus.

And here is the photo from the 11:00am Mass.


Homily for the Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (in the wake of the abuse scandal)

In response to the grand jury report detailing the crimes committed by priests and bishops in the state of Pennsylvania (at 1:30, I obviously meant "likely", not "unlikely").

Fr. Bill Casey gave this sermon in response to the 2002 clergy abuse scandal in Boston. It is still just as applicable today.

Diocese of Hamilton sexual misconduct reporting information

Diocese of Hamilton Protocol and Policy in Cases of Alleged Sexual Misconduct

Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report (reader discretion is advised)